AKUT Foundation is a non-governmental organization managed by volunteers for disasters and emergencies with the principles of “UNMUTUAL HELPFULNESS” and “HONESTY”, adding value to life and our country with its selfless work. AKUT Foundation continues its disaster and emergency management-oriented risk reduction efforts through trainings, seminars and drills.

Another way we work to reduce risk is to send technical supplies and personal protective equipment to search and rescue teams and volunteers in disasters and emergencies.

AKUT FOUNDATION has educational alternatives for the "disaster"-oriented demands of all segments of the society. AKUT FOUNDATION develops free projects on the following topics with the income it earns from the training and consultancy services it provides to private institutions: Preparing public awareness materials; Organizing public education, seminars and exercises; Developing recovery projects for disaster areas and sending humanitarian aid; To contribute in kind and in cash for the capacity increase of local search and rescue teams; Providing personal protective equipment support to search and rescue volunteers.

Hesap ismi: AKUT VAKFI
BANKA : Vakıfbank
ŞUBE ADI : Esentepe / Şube kodu : 405
TL-IBAN NO : TR05 0001 5001 5800 7298 8674 78
EURO-IBAN NO : TR43 0001 5001 5804 8014 0498 29
USD-IBAN NO : TR 97 0001 5001 5804 8014 0498 27
CHF IBAN NO: TR86 0001 5001 5804 8022 2911 45
GBP IBAN NO: TR81 0001 5001 5804 8022 2940 48

Information: AKUT FOUNDATION uses at least two thirds of the gross revenues obtained during the year for the purposes of the foundation in accordance with the provision of Article 20 of the Law No. 4.962.

AKUT Foundation is a non-governmental organization that adds value to life and our country with its self-sacrificing works, managed by volunteers for disasters and emergencies, with the principles of "FREEMED HELP" and "HONESTY". AKUT Foundation continues its disaster and emergency management-oriented risk reduction studies on training, seminars and exercises. Another of our efforts to reduce risk is to send technical materials and personal protective equipment to search and rescue teams and volunteers in disasters and emergencies.

Our humanitarian aid work continues in the earthquake area. We deliver the same aid that we provided with your support to the region through AFAD.

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About AKUT Foundation

AKUT Foundation, whose priority is “to increase the number of responsible citizens who attach importance to social responsibility activities, who have internalized the culture of safe living, who are sensitive to the environment, conscious, respectful of the right to life of all living things, who will take an active role in solving social problems, and to minimize accidents, injuries and loss of life caused by preventable causes”, is a non-governmental organization that is managed by volunteers, mostly volunteers, with the principles of volunteerism, unrequited benevolence, valuing life, honesty, reliability and love of country, and adds value to life and our country with its selfless work. AKUT Foundation continues its risk reduction efforts focused on disaster and emergency management through trainings, seminars and drills. Another way we work to reduce risk is to send technical supplies and personal protective equipment to search and rescue teams and volunteers in disasters and emergencies.

Our History

AKUT Foundation was established on 08.03.2011 by the members of AKUT Search and Rescue Association, the pioneering and leading non-governmental organization of our country in the field of search and rescue, after the unanimous decision of all members in the general assembly of the association…

Our Values

AKUT Foundation carries out a wide range of educational and training activities that will add value to our country. The priority of our foundation is to create an environmentally sensitive and environmentally conscious society that attaches importance to social responsibility activities, adopts a safe living culture as a principle…

Our Mission - Our Vision

Founded in 2011, AKUT Foundation aims to protect and safeguard all the qualities, concepts and values defined in the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, to assist in the basic aims and duties of the State, to protect and safeguard…

For Support

AKUT Foundation is a non-governmental organization managed entirely by volunteers with the principles of “UNMUTUAL HELPFULNESS” and “HONESTY”, adding value to life and our country with its selfless work.

You can be a link in our chain of goodness by supporting our community awareness raising trainings on disasters and emergencies; our disaster awareness activities for children; and our humanitarian aid, personal protective equipment and technical equipment shipments in disasters.


You can access news from AKUT Foundation.

Volunteer Member

Our Projects

AKUT Foundation carries out multifaceted community awareness-raising projects in order to overcome disasters and emergencies with minimum damage.
The main outlines of our projects include raising disaster awareness among our children in order to raise a generation conscious against disasters, providing logistical support to search and rescue teams and the people of the region in disasters and emergencies, conducting awareness-raising activities through seminars, brochures, panels and similar instruments in order to make the culture of “safe life” widespread in the society, providing search and rescue and emergency management system trainings to institutions and organizations to increase their prevention and response capacities.


You can access AKUT Foundation videos.

Aile Afet ve Acil Durum Planınızı yapın. AKUT Vakfı Başkanı Nasuh Mahruki deprem öncesi yapılması gereken hazırlıkları anlatıyor.
Afet ve acil durum malzemelerinizi ve çantanızı hazırlayın. AKUT Vakfı Başkanı Nasuh Mahruki deprem öncesi yapılması gereken hazırlıkları anlatıyor.
Can ve mal güvenliğinizi garanti altına alın. AKUT Vakfı Başkanı Nasuh Mahruki deprem öncesi yapılması gereken hazırlıkları anlatıyor.